Product managers need software too.

product portfolios & hierarchyHierarchical product portfolios

Manage your products by creating a product hierarchy which accurately reflects your departments and product families. Organize your products and versions to suit your own structure, even in multiple portfolios at once.

manage your product hierarchy

Unlimited hierarchy

Structure your products and projects as deeply as you wish.

Flexible product portfolios

Products, features, requirements or other containers can belong to more than one parent at once.

View your data at any level

Segment and analyze your data at the product, portfolio, or global levels.

ideas & innovationEasier innovation: Never miss a great idea

customers can submit ideas using your customer portal
customers can email ideas directly to ProductForce

Your winning ideas may come from anywhere, but they can be buried in emails, documents or discussions, and get overlooked. ProductForce makes idea management a breeze by allowing you to collect all product ideas in one place, and also provides the tools to prioritize, discuss and vote on them.

  • Forward ideas to ideas@[yourCompany]
  • Get feedback from your customer portal https://[yourCompany]
  • Create new ideas directly in ProductForce
  • Import any ideas you already have

manage requirements & user storiesTransform ideas into requirements and user stories

Take the best ideas a step further by turning ideas into requirements and developing user stories. Elaborate on specifications based on direct input from stakeholders. Requirements are traceable, which provide for accurate user stories.


Keep track of the origin of the requirement, who requested it and why.

Attachments & details

Includes all the features you need to elaborate, describe and discuss your requirements.

Connected to the people who requested it

Close the feedback loop by connecting the story to the requester, and automatically keep all parties informed.

product roadmaps and release management

roadmaps & releasesTake product roadmapping and release management to a new level

ProductForce allows you to view roadmaps & milestones by project, by portfolio or by release. Its release management capabilities are flexible, collaborative and support any type of process. Add structure to your projects, create sub-projects, and get a clear picture of your products, teams and releases

Generate roadmaps at any level

See roadmaps for individual products, portfolios, or for the entire organization.

Release timeline

Display and report on release dates over time, with statistics and drill-down.

Flexible milestones

Add milestones and associate them with a project, to call out leading or trailing events.

reportsAnalyze and present product plans & progress

Whether you want to present a simple list of ideas to your team or a roadmap for future releases and features to your executives, ProductForce does the work for you by allowing you to create extensive reports and export them for presentation or further analysis.

product management report

collaboration & activitiesTrack all updates and make decisions collaboratively

Connect your team with the people who actually use your products. Publish ideas to ProductForce’s customer portal and ask customers, colleagues and business partners to help by commenting, voting or starting discussions around product ideas and requirements. Get notified as soon as updates are made and keep a record of all team members’ activities within the system.

product management activities

Follow items

Get notified of changes on the ideas and requirements you are following.

Discuss everything

Get all needed input by holding discussions on ideas and requirements.


See a history of all updates to an item. Keep an audit trail.